İngilizce 6.sınıf 2.dönem 1.yazılı soru ve cevapları 2015-2016


 SECTION 3 )  Aşağıdaki boşlukları was /were / am / is /are yardımcı fiilleri iel doldurunuz.  20 PUAN

Present                                                                                                      Past                                                             

  1. I ………… school this morning. 1.I ……………….. at home last night

2.It ………….. sunny today.                                                    2.It ……………….rainy yesterday.

3.She …………… in İstanbul now.                                3.She…………… İzmir last month

SECTION 3 ) Aşağıdaki boşlukları was /were / am / is /are yardımcı fiilleri iel doldurunuz. 20 PUAN

Present Past

I ………… school this morning. 1.I ……………….. at home last night
2.It ………….. sunny today. 2.It ……………….rainy yesterday.

3.She …………… in İstanbul now. 3.She…………… İzmir last month

4.There……………twenty-six students in the seventh class this year. 4. There ……………twenty-four students in the sixth class last year.

5.I ………….twelve years old this year. 5. I ………….eleven years old last year.

SECTION 4 ) )SIMPLE PAST TENSE and match the pictures (boşlukları doldurun ). 2X10=20

The little girl______________________________________________(cry) a lot after she lost her doll.
__________ you ___________________________________(brush) my son ?
I _______________________________________(want) to be a doctor when I was a child.
We ____________________________________(not enjoy) at all at the party yesterday.
They _______________________________________(stay)in a hotel before the wedding.
__________ you _____________________________________(listen) to news about Middle East?
We ________________________________________(not arrive) at home late because of the speed of our car.
My sister ________________________________________________________________(wash) her hair.
Students ___________________________________________________________(not ask) any question.
Henry ________________________________________________________(not water) the flowers yesterday.

SECTION 5 ) )Fill in the gaps with suitable forms of Simple Present Continuous Tense ( Boşlukları şimdiki zaman yapısıyla doldurunuz)(10*2=20 Points)

1) I……………………………………………………………………………………….(wash) my face yesterday.(+)

2) She…………………………………………………………………..……………..(walk) in the street now.(+)

3) They ………………………………………………………………….……………(play) games now.(+)

4) We…………………………………………………………..……………………(study) Maths now.(+)

5) He……………………………………………………………….…………………..(cook) meal now.(+)

6) She………………………………………………………………………………………….(watch)Tv now.(-)

7)They ……………………………………………………………………………..(read) a book now.(-)

8)We……………………………………………………………………………………..( dance) now(-)

9)You……………………………………………………………………………………..(have) dinner now(-)


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