10.sınıf ingilizce 2.dönem 1.yazılı soruları 2015

2014-2015 Education Year Fahriye Gültekin High School 2.nd Term 10th Grade 1st English Exam Student’s name: ………………………………………………… Number: …………………………………..Class: …………. Date: Mark: Teacher: Ferdi Ferit Malgaralı 1)____________any water in the bottle yesterday. 2)__________children in the garden two days ago. 3)_________little tea in the cup five minutes ago. 4)____________anybody at the door. 5)___________somebody in the kitchen … Devamını oku…

10.sınıf ingilizce 2.dönem 1.yazılı soruları 2014-2015

2014-2015 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI ATATÜRK KIZ TEKNİK VE MESLEK LİSESİ                                               İNGİLİZCE 10Yİ  II .YAZILI SORULARI Name:                                                 Surname:                            Number:         When Guido was small,he was always very good at drawing and painting.His mother was a doctor,but she was happy to help him,and she paid for him have extra art classes in the evening.He was … Devamını oku…

2013-2014 10.sınıf ingilizce 2.dönem 1.yazılı soruları

Dokümanın Görselli Tam Halini İndirmek için TIKLAYINIZ Name:                      2013-2014 Number: Class:                     2nd  Term 1st  Written Exam for 10th classes A)READING A PLACE OF MY OWN When Rod first started his job in Western, he stayed in the factory hostel. The hostel served only breakfast, so Rod had lunch in the canteen at … Devamını oku…