7.sınıf ingilizce dersi 2.dönem 1.yazılı soruları 2014-2015

                2014 -2015 ACADEMIC YEAR HALİTPAŞA SECONDARY SCHOOL      


 NAME:                                                                                                             DATE:13/03/2015

SURNAME:                                                                                                      CLASS:7/A

  1. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.( Boşlukları uygun düşen kelimelerle doldurunuz) (10*2=20p)
Eco-friendlyovergrazingpesticideirrigationrenewableincreasesthreathensdangerpolluteJunk food


  • Solar energy and wind energy are ………………………..energy sources.
  • Farmers should’t use …………………………..too much on farms because of its chemical ingredients.
  • Exhaust fumes …………………………….environment.
  • Some species of animals are in …………………………of extinction.
  • There will be no grass because of the……………………………….
  • People must use ……………………….products because they don’t harm the environment.
  • ……………………….makes agriculture possible by watering the crops regulary.
  • We shouldn’t eat ………………………… like chips and chocolate because it is unhealthy.
  • Overhunting ………………………… endangered animals.
  • Air pollution …………………………in winter because of fossil fuel like coal.


B)Fill in the gaps with ‘’MUST’’ or ‘’MUSTN’T’’(Boşlukları Must yada Mustn’t ile doldurunuz)(10*1=10p)

1) We …………………………turn off the lights when we leave the room.

2) We…………………………..plant trees.

3) We…………………………….throw litter in the street.

4)We……………………………….. cut down trees.

5) We………………………………use public transportation.

6)We………………………………recycle glass paper and glass.

7) We……………………………..hunt wild animals.

8)We………………………………walk or go by bike to work.

9) We…………………………….pollute rivers and lakes.

10) We ……………………………consume too much petrol.

C)Match the problems with the solutions. (Problemleri cözümleriyle eşleştiriniz)(5*3=15points)


           Problems                Solutions
1) deforestationa) stop overhunting
2) air pollutionb) plant trees
3) endangered animalsc) use public transportation
4)overpopulationd) stop global warming
5) The rise in sea levele)  popularize family planning

D)Match pictures with the words.( Kelimelerle resimleri eşleştiriniz)(10*2=20points)

EarthSolar systemorbitmoonplanetcometOrbital debrisstarsatelliteSpace shuttle

1)           2)        3)            4)        5)

…………………….              ………………………        …………………….      ………………………….    ………………………………..

6)        7)    8)       9)    10)

………………………….        …………………………     …………………………..    …………………………   …………………………..

  1. E) Fill in the gaps with suitable words.( Uygun boşluklara uygun kelimeleri yazınız) 5*2=10points
planetssurfacestarTwin sisterorbits


1) The moon……………………..the Earth in 28 days.                     

2)There are eight …………………….in our solar systems.

3The …………………. of Mars is red.

4)The sun is a ……………………….of our solar system.

5) Venus is called as Earth’s …………………………

  1. F) Write the comparative form of adjectives.( karşılaştırmalı sıfatları yenıden düzenleyerek yazınız)15*1=15 points


G)Write the superlative or comparative form of adjectives ( en üst  yada karşılaştırma derecesine göre sıfatları düzenleyiniz)( 10*1=10points)

    1) Mehmet is ………………………………….( intelligient) student in the class.

      2) Ayşe is…………………………………..( tall) girl in the town.

      3)You are……………………………….(funny) boy that I have ever known.

     4) Sarıkamış is ………………………………( small) city that I have ever seen.

     5) A:Which is ………………………….(high) Mount Ağrı or Nemrut?

          B: Mount ağrı is………………………..(high) than Nemrut.

     6) You are…………………………………..(rich) than me.

     7) A:Which is…………………………..(far) to sun , Venus or Neptune?

          B:Neptune is ……………………………(far) to Sun than Venus.

       8)Cheetah is……………………………..(fast) animal in the world.


Dokümanın Görselli Tam Halini İndirmek için TIKLAYINIZ

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