2014-2015 11.sınıf ingilizce 1.dönem 1.yazılı soruları

 11.sınıf ingilizce 1.dönem 1.yazılı soruları 

Name:                                                                                       …………………..ANADOLU LİSESİ

Surname:                                                                     2014-20215  EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI 11.SINIFLAR

Class:                                                               İNGİLİZCE DERSİ 1. DÖNEM 2. YAZILI SINAV SORULARI

Number:                                                                                               GROUP A


A )Aşağıdaki soruları tablodaki metne göre cevaplayınız. (3×5=15)

The most powerful earthquake hit Japan on March 2011. The earthquake was 8.9 magnitude. A huge tsunami followed the earthquake. The waves reached six miles on Japan’s northeast coast. The wall of water swept away cars, ships and buildings. The earthquake and tsunami caused extensive damage and there were thousands of deaths and hundreds of missing people. In Tokyo, people screamed and grabbed each other’s hands when the quake hit. It was an unforgettable disaster for that people.


  • Where did the earthquake occur? ……………………………………………………….
  • When did it happen? ……………………………………………………………………
  • What was the magnitude of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake? ……………………………………………
  • What happened after the earthquake? ……………………………………………………
  • Why were there thousands of deaths? ……………………………………………………………
  1. B) Aşağıdaki koyu yazılı sıfatlardan ‘–ed’ ‘-ing’ kuralına göre uygun olanı yuvarlak içine alınız . (2×5=10)


1) George is so frustrated / frustrating his chemistry project isn’t going very well.

2) I couldn’t find the way to your house because your map was very confused / confusing.

3) My mum finds fishing bored / boring and she never accompanies dad.

4) I’ve just read a very amusing /amused book

5) I’m very pleased / pleasing with the effort that you’ve made.


  1. C) Aşağıdaki boşlukları “ MUST / MUSTN’T / HAVE TO / DON’T HAVE TO.” (2×5=10)

*He ………………………………………..drive a car because he is just 16 years old.

*I   …………………………………………………..follow the procedures. It’s my duty.
*They……………………………………………….earn a lot of money. Because they want to buy a house.

*I   ………………………………………………….wear a suit. It’s a formal party.

*Lucy …………………………………..…work because she is married to a millionaire.




  1. C) Aşağıdaki boşlukları “simple present / present continuous / will or going to future”kurallarına gore olumlu, olumsuz, veya soru şeklinde doldurunuz (2×10=20)

1) Every Monday, Sally __________________   (drive) her kids to football practice.

2) Paul’s sister ___________________________ (have) a baby .She is pregnant.

3) My horoscope says that I ______________________ (meet) an old friend this week.

4) ______________ they ________________________(look) at me right now?

5) Shhhhh! Be quiet! John __________________________(sleep)

6) I ______________________(not watch) TV on Saturday mornings.

7) We _____________________ (not go) northeast coast next summer.

8) __________ people__________________  (carry) tiny computers in their ears in the future?

9) Your father __________________________(not read) a newspaper at the moment, he is sleeping

10) ___________ Sarah and Linda usually ___________________ (feed) their pets?






D)Aşağıda verilen kelimeleri İngilizce anlamlarıyla eşleştiriniz. (2×10=20)


1-Landslide     _____                a) remove in a fast and powerful way

2-Magnitude   _____                b) an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits

3- Tsunami     _____                 c) give a long loud cry

4- Scream       _____                 d) covering or affecting a large area.

5-Hurricane    _____                 e) a storm with violent wind.

6-Volcanic eruption_____        f) hold suddenly

7-Extensive    _____                 g) a collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain

8-Sweep         _____                 h) the force of an earthquake.

9-Flood          _____                 i ) discharging of fumes, dust and lava from volcanoes

10-Grab          _____                 j) a long, high sea wave especially caused by an earthquake


E)Aşağıda verilen cümleleri  “superlative” kalıbına uygun olarak yeniden yazınız. (2×5=10)

( Özneler verilmiştir.)


Milk is more nourishing than any other food. => Milk………………………………………………….


I have never met such a shy person as Tom. => Tom…………………………………………………



She  has never eaten such a delicious dish. => This is………………………………………………..

She sings better than anybody else in the class. => She…………………………………………………



My last holiday wasn’t enjoyable at all. (my whole life) => My last holiday…………………………….

F)Aşağıda verilen cümlelerdeki boşlukları “comparatives veya superlatives” kurallarına uygun olarak

doldurunuz. (3×5=15)


  1. Alan had a very bad accident. He should drive _________________(carefully).
  2. Jennifer Aniston is ________________________ (good-looking) Angelina Jolie.
  3. Ann thinks that Paul is ___________________ (lazy) of her children.
  4. My dad is _________________________(hard-working) person that I know.

5.Travelling by plane is ___________________ (fast) and __________________(safe) travelling by train.

                                                                                                                                                              Good Luck!   


                                                                                                             Tuğba Nur KAYA  (English Teacher)

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