9.sınıf ingilizce dersi 2.dönem telafi sınavı 2014-2015

Name Surname : Number / Class : Total mark : _________ PENDİK ANATOLIAN İMAM HATİP HIGH SCHOOL 2.Dönem Telafi COMMON EXAM -A- Choose the correct answer for each sentence. ( Each one is 2 p. 50X2=100 p. ) 1-Robert………………………… his meal yet. a)has eaten b)hasn’t eaten c) ate d) have eaten 2-We ………………………… on holiday … Devamını oku…

10.sınıf ingilizce dersi 2.dönem telafi sınavı 2014-2015

Amasya Anatolian High School 2014-2015 Academic Year 2nd Term 3rd Exam for 10 TM-B Name:………………………………………………………………….. Number:…………… A- Choose the correct word: 20p. 1. I was disappointing / disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better. 2. Are you interesting / interested in football? 3. The football match was quite exciting / excited. … Devamını oku…

11.sınıf ingilizce dersi 2.dönem telafi sınavı 2014-2015

…………………………………… 2014-2015 Education Year 2nd Term English Lesson 3rd Written Exam for 11A. Name : Surname : Number : Class : 11 A Point: 100/ A. Read the passage. My father is always in a hurry in the morning. He is a train driver on the London Underground. That’s why he gets up at 4 … Devamını oku…

lise 2 ingilizce dersi 2.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2015

Date:…../…../…….. 2014-2015 EDUCATION YEAR ………….ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL 2nd TERM 2nd ENGLISH EXAM FOR 10 CLASS A)Circle the correct adjectives.(5×2=10) Last night it was very hot and I was alone at home.I was really bored/boring because I had nothing to do.Then I thought I could find an interested/ interesting programme to watch.I zapped from one bored … Devamını oku…

lise 1 ingilizce dersi 2.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2015

T.C M.E.B YAZIHAN HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 EDUCATION YEAR 2ND TERM 2nd EXAM OF 10TH GRADES A. Change the question in brackets into a noun clause. (4*5=20p.) 1 (Where does she live?) Please tell me …………………………………………………………………………………… 2 (When are they coming?) Do you know …………………………………………………………………………………… 3 (What did he say?) I can’t remember …………………………………………………………………………………. 4 (Which … Devamını oku…

lise 4 ingilizce dersi 2.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2014 2015

2014-2015 EĞİTİM ÖĞRETİM YILI TERME ANADOLU SAĞLIK MESLEK LİSESİ 12. SINIFLAR İNGİLİZCE DERSİ II. DÖNEM II. SINAV Name: Surname: Number: Class: A) Circle the correct answer. (1×10=10 points) 1. Robert, I can’t find my adding machine. Can I borrow yours / his please? 2. Tom: Sarah! I don’t want you to take the train. It … Devamını oku…

lise 3 ingilizce dersi 2.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2014 2015

A Combine the two sentences using the second sentence as a relative clause. Decide whether you need a defining or non-defining clause, and comas where necessary. 1. Amanda is coming for dinner tonight. Her husband is away on business at the moment. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. The delegates decided to form a new government in Ankara. They … Devamını oku…

lise 4 ingilizce 2.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2014-2015

ŞIRNAK ANADOLU ÖĞRETMEN LİSESİ 2014-2015 EĞİTİM- ÖĞRETİM YILI 12. ……. SINIFI 2.DÖNEM İNGİLİZCE 2. YAZILI SORULARI Adı: Soyadı: Sınıfı: Numarası: www.sorubak.com HARD TO BELIEVE The Ottoman Empire lost the World War I against France, Britain and Italy and signed the Moudros Armistice. After the armistice, the Allied Forces started to control the Ottoman army and … Devamını oku…

lise 3 ingilizce 2.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2014-2015

2014-2015 EĞİTİM ÖĞRETİM YILI TERME KIZ TEKNİK VE MESLEK LİSESİ YİYECEK İÇECEK HİZMETLERİ (ORTAK ALAN) İNGİLİZCE DERSİ 11. SINIF II. DÖNEM II. SINAV Name: Surname: Number: Class: A) Write the kinds of whiskies. ( 3×4=12 points) 1. ________________________ 3. ______________________ 2. ________________________ 4. ______________________ B) What are the white spirits. (3×5=15 points) 1. ________________________ 4. … Devamını oku…

lise 1 ingilizce 2.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2014-2015

________ ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 ACADEMIC YEAR THE 2nd TERM THE 2nd WRITTEN EXAM OF ENGLISH FOR 9 / B Name : Surname : Number : READING A man,28, stole a car with a baby and left the baby in the parked car. Judge Leo sentenced him to three years for abandoning a baby. Mr. … Devamını oku…

lise 2 ingilizce 2.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2014-2015

Date:…../…../…….. 2014-2015 EDUCATION YEAR ………….ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL 2nd TERM 2nd ENGLISH EXAM FOR 10 CLASS A)Circle the correct adjectives.(5×2=10) Last night it was very hot and I was alone at home.I was really bored/boring because I had nothing to do.Then I thought I could find an interested/ interesting programme to watch.I zapped from one bored … Devamını oku…

12.sınıf ingilizce 2.dönem 2.yazılı sınav 2014-2015

ŞEHİT ABDÜLKADİR KILAVUZ ANATOLIAN TEACHER TRAINING HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 EDUCATION YEAR, THE SECOND TERM, THE SECOND ENGLISH WRITTEN EXAM FOR 12TH CLASS B GROUP A- Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given. (5×4:20p) 1. Ana Tarvis, from Philadelphia ……….…. (begin) a campaign in 1907 to establish a national Mother’s Day. … Devamını oku…

11.sınıf ingilizce 2.dönem 2.yazılı sınav 2014-2015

HMHÖ ANADOLU LİSESİ 2014/2015 İNGİLİZCE DERSİ 11.SINIFLAR 2. DÖNEM 2. YAZILI SORULARI A. Put the words in the correct place. (10×2=20) 1. Orange and lemon ………………………….. vitamin C. 2. A small child cannot be accepted as ……………………… for his actions. 3. This plant …………………….. reaches a height of 15 meters. 4. Orhan Pamuk will …………………….. … Devamını oku…

10.sınıf ingilizce 2.dönem 2.yazılı sınav 2014-2015

Name: Class: AKÇAKOCA ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL 2014-2015 EDUCATION TERM 2nd TERM 2ndWRITTEN EXAM Job hunting on the Internet A recent survey asked students in their last year of school or university how they were looking for their first job. Their answers were many and varied. However, those who were used to the Internet were having … Devamını oku…