7.sınıf ingilizce 1.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2015 2016

1. Aşağıda verilen metni okuyup verilen cümle doğru ise true yanlış ise false ifadesini işaretleyiniz.
Hello my name is Ferhat. I am eighteen years old. I like playing tennis very much. I play tennis three times a week. I am in the school team. Actually I am fond of individual games. But I can’t stand team games. I think they are boring. Also I am crazy about riding bicycle. I have got a blue bicycle. It is very enjoyable. I never go to climbing with my friends. We like watching film with them on weekends.

a. Ferhat often plays tennis. True False
b. He doesn’t like individual games. True False
c. He hates team games. True False
d. He loves riding bicycle. True False
e.He doesn’t go to climbing with his friends. True False

2.Verilen cümleleri parantez içindeki sıfatları kullanarak tamamlayınız.
My grand mother is ___________________ than my mother. (old)
A snake is ____________________________ tahan a dog. (dangerous)
İstanbul is ____________________________ than Hatay. (crowded)
Rabbits are __________________________ than turtles. (faster)
Today’s weather is ________________________ than yesterday’s weather. (good)

3. Aşağıda verilen kelimeleri doğru resmin altına yazınız.

Forgetful – punctual – stubborn – well built –clumsy
______________ ____________ ___________ ____________ _______________
4.Boşluklara was yada were getiriniz.
That day _____ Monday. Ali and his sister Ayşe ________ alone at home. Their father and mother _______ (not) there.
Because their grand farher _____ ill and they _____ all very sorry.

5. Verilen baloncuk hangi soruya söylenmiş bir cevap ise altına yazınız.
A. what is your father like? B. What does your father look like?
6. Aşağıda verilen ifadelerinin Türkçe karşılığını yazınız.
a) Team games :
b) individual games :
c) outdoor games :
d) indoor games :

7. Aşağıdaki paragrafı okuyarak parantez içindeki fiillern 2. Hallerini kullanarak tamamlayınız.
Yesterday I __________ ( go ) out after school.
It wasn’t a tiring day so I _______ (meet) with my friends Aslı and Tuna.
They ________ (come ) our home and we played game together .
Then we were hungry and we ______ (eat) a pizza.
After they returned their home , I _____(do) my homework.

8.Verilen cümleleri cevapları ile eşleştiriniz.
( ) What time do you go to school? A. I live in Diyarbakır.
( ) What do you do on weekends? B. Because I don’t like studying lesson.
( ) Who is your best friend? C. He is Mustafa.
( ) Where do you live? D. I play football and I watch tv.
( ) Why are you so lazy? E. At seven o’clock.

9. Verilen cümleleri anlamca karşılayan zaman ifadelerini yuvarlak içine alınız.
I dont like eating fish. never / usually
I go to my grandparent’s home three times a week. sometimes / often
I listen to music five times a week. never / usually
I go to cinema two times a year rarely / often
My mother cooks meal everyday. sometimes / always

İlk soru 20 puan diğer sorular 10 puandır.

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