İngilizce 6.sınıf 2.dönem 1.yazılı soruları 2014-2015


Name, surname: Number:
A- Match the pictures with the rides at the fun fair (Fuardaki oyuncak isimleri ile resimleri eşleştiriniz) (5×4=20 pts)
a)………………………….. b)………………………. c)…………………………. d)……………………….. e)……………………………
B- Match the following opinions with the correct ride above (Aşağıdaki görüşler yukarıdaki hangi oyuncağa aittir?) (5×4=20 pts)
(…..) I think they are dull.
(…..) I think it is frightening.
(…..) I think it is delicious.
(…..) I think it is boring.
(…..) I think it is exciting.

C- Fill in the blanks with “was – were – wasn’t – weren’t” (Boşlukları doldurunuz) (10×2=20pts)
1- Atatürk …………… born in Salonika in 1881.
2- I ………………. at school yesterday, because I ……………… ill.
3- Where …………………. you last night?
4- Pelin and Osman …………….. at the party on Saturday night.
5- You ………………… at the office an hour ago! You …………… at the cinema! I saw you there!
6- Today it is sunny, but it ………….. sunny yesterday, it ……………. rainy.
7- I think the film ………………. very funny. I liked it!

D- Choose the correct option (Doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz) (10×2=20 pts)
1) I can sew clothes, dress, T-shirt. Who am I? a)Doctor b) Tailor c) Scientist d) Nurse
2) I can draw plans of buildings. Who am I? a) Mechanic b) Dentist c)Gardener d) Architect
3) I can fly planes. Who am I? a) Engineer b) Salesman c) Pilot d) Nurse
4) I can teach lessons . Who am I? a) Engineer b) Policewoman c) Teacher d) Lawyer
5) I can put out a fire. Who am I? a) Fire fighter b) Builder c) Waiter d) Judge
6) I can examine patients. Who am I? a) Doctor b) Nurse c) Vet d) Artist
7) I can cut and dye hair . Who am I? a) Painter b) Hairdresser c) Cook d) Farmer
8) I can sell fruits and vegetables. Who am I? a) Gardener b) Farmer c) Greengrocer d) Butcher
9)I can clean the house and help with the cooking. Who am I? a) Waiter b) Vet c)Baker d) Housewife
10) I can make experiments .Who am I? a) Businessman b) Engineer c) Scientist d) Mechanic

E- Fill in the blanks with “in / on / at” (Boşlukları doldurunuz) (5×2=10 pts)
1- The school starts …………. eight o’clock.
2- I usually go out to meet my friends …………. Saturdays.
3- Were you ………. İzmir ……… 2012?
4- I was born …….. November.

F- TEST (5×2=10 pts)

1- I don’t like the ghost train at all. I ……… it.
a) enjoy b)buy c)hate d)agree

2- Bilgem: ……….do you think about the big wheels?
Deniz: I think they are fun.
a) Where b) What c) Which d)When

3- I love bumper cars, but ………………………….
a) my girlfriend hates them. b) there is a train over there.
c) car parks are crowded d) they are scared.

4- Neil Armstrong ……………………………………
a) is enjoying the wave swingers.
b) walked on the moon in 1969.
c) went to the seaside on his holiday.
d) had croissants for breakfast.

5- Let’ş ….. sailing today. The sea looks nice.
a) make b) do c)walk d)go

Good luck!

English Language Teacher

Dokümanın Görselli Tam Halini İndirmek için TIKLAYINIZ

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