9.sınıf ingilizce 1.dönem 2.yazılı soruları 2015-2016

1 I always (go) to cinema at weekends.
2 She never (smoke) cigarettes.
3 He (sleep) at home now.
4 She (not/like) reading books.
5 We (watch) TV at the moment.
6 you (do) your homework right now?
7 Sue rarely (cook).
8 Bill sometimes (fly) to Paris at weekends.
9 Look! She (jump) into the sea.
10 The sun (rise) in the east.
  1. Look at the Picture. Write questions. Then use the verbs in the list to answer them.(30p)
*play with dolls

* clean the window

* listen to radio

* sleep

*water the plants

Ex.   The birds/ watch TV?

Are the birds watching TV? No, they aren’t. They’re singing.


  • The girls / do their homework?
  • Green / eat?
  • Grandfather / play video games?
  • Mike / playing samba music?
  • Paul / read magazine?
  1. Circle the correct choice or fill in the blanks. (20p)

A: What’s the weather like?

B: It’s_____.

  • Are you eating a sandwich now?


  • Tony is in Maldives. He’s__ on the beach now.
  1. Shopping b) dancing   c) sunbathing
  • I’m in Spain. I’m __ flamenco.
  1. Going b) dancing   c) sunbathing
  • Phil’s __ pictures of ancient temple.

a)Taking  b) going  c) playing


Write the times

  • 02:30 ________________/___________________
  • 06:15 ________________/___________________
  • 08:45 ________________/___________________
  • 10:20 ________________/___________________
  • 11:50 ________________/___________________


Fill in at/on/in

  • ___ Tuesday
  • ___ the summer
  • ___ the weekend
  • ___ night
  • ___ Saturday morning


Make sentences with frequency adverbs given

  • She is late for work ( never)


  • Jane cooks diner for her family (often)



  • ____ dressed
  1. Go b) get  c) have
  • ____ dinner
  1. Go b) get    c) have
  • ____ to bed
  1. Go b) get  c) have



  1. Fill in the blanks with does / is ( 15p)

A: _____ your mum like playing video games?

B: Yes, she ____

A: And what about your brother? ____ he play any video games?

B: Well, he ____ a very good player.

A: Every day?

B: No, he ____ usually very busy.


  1. Choose one of the topics and write at least 30 words. (15p)


  • Imagine you’re in Rio Carnival and you are a reporter. Report the event using Present continuous Tense


  • Imagine that you’re on holiday with your family. Write what you are doing at the moment.


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