11.sınıf ingilizce dersi 1.dönem 1.yazılı soruları 2014

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Gönen Ömer Seyfettin  Anatolian High School 2014-2015 11th Grade 1st term 1st English  Written Exam


  1. Choose the best option. ( 16points.)


  1. Are you all right? You ______ terrible.
  2. as if b. look like c. look              d. should
  3. The Browns have a wonderful house. It ______a palace.
  4. as though b. used to c. looks                        d. looks like
  5. Tony feels ______ he didn’t sleep last night
  6. a. as though b. look like c. look              d. sleepy
  7. Stanley ______ drive a car when he was a child; but now he can.
  8. a. could b. couldn’t c. used to         d. did
  9. My brother _____ have an old motorbike last year but he has a luxury one now.
  10. a. would should c. used to         d. could
  11. I hate the boys with long hair now, but I________ hate them when I was at the university
  12. a. didn’t use to b. wouldn’t couldn’t         d. didn’t used to
  13. My grandfather ______ take me to the game park when I was a child, but he doesn’t now.
  14. a. could would c. had better     d. use to
  15. You ________ set the alarm clock or you will be late.
  16. used to b. should c. ought to        d. had better

B-) Choose the correct alternative. (10points)


      Last summer most of my friends (1) worked/were working, so I (2) was deciding/decided to get a job too. One of my friends (3) was working/worked as a waiter in a beach cafe. He (4) was earning/earned quite a lot of money and he was outside in the sun. Unfortunately I (5) wasn’t getting/got a job as a waiter. I (6) was getting /got a job in the restaurant kitchen-washing up. I (7) wasn’t enjoying/didn’t enjoy the job because while the sun (8) was shining/shone outside, and while people (9) had/were having fun, I (10) washed/was washing dirty dishes. L

C-) Complete the letter by using Present Simple or Present Continuous. (13 points )

D-) Fill in the balnks with    look  / as if  /  look like ( 5 points)


  • Marry behaves ………………she is more important than anyone else.
  • Tim doesn’t ……………….a small child.
  • The bride ………………beautiful.
  • Terry talks ………………he is an expert on the subject.
  • Ece …………………an angel when she sleeps.


E-) Give advice for each situation . ( 10 points)


  1. Your mother is trying to quit smoking. (should)


  1. Mark usually drives his car very fast. (had better not )


  1. Alice has cut her finger while she is cooking the dinner. (ought to)


  1. Your father never wears a seat belt. (shouldn’t)


  1. Kyle is sleeping at the back of the classroom while the teacher is teaching English. (had better)


  1. F) Put the following sentences into the correct paragraphs ( 5 points)

    a) However, she can be a bit childish sometimes.
    b) I’ll never forget the first time I met her.
    c) I enjoy her company.
    d) Her rosy cheeks give her face childish appearances.
    e) She enjoys watching films, too and science – fiction movies ar her favorite.

    Beyza has been my close friend for three years. (1)…… . We were at a birthday party and she spilled her drink onto my dress when the electricity went off. She was so sorry and we started talking. We have been friends ever since.
    Beyza is quite beautiful. She’s tall and slim. Her straight blonde hair hangs down to her waist at the back. She has a fringe over her forehead that almost hides her hazel eyes. (2) …… . She has a regular set of white teeth and is full – lipped.
    Beyza is very outgoing. She enjoys spending time with her friends. She’s got a good sense of humor. She makes us laugh.     (3) ……. . When she doesn’t get what she wants, she can be aggressive.
    She is determined to buy a detached house of her own. One day so that she can invite her friends for garden parties and read books in her leisure time. (4) ………
    All in all I’m glad to have Beyza as my friend. (5) …… . I will always be grateful for the support and advice she gives me whenever I need it.


G-)Put in ‘ would /  used to’ or ‘could’.( 10 points)


1- Her husband …………………………………………… have a beard and moustache before they got married.

2- In her teens, she  ……………………………………………  look at her reflexion in the mirror for hours.

3- Sally …………………………………………… drive her mother’s car when she was your age. But you can’t.

4- Stanley  …………………………………………… …………………….. (not) remember where he had put his wallet.

5- Diana has lost a lot of weight. She  ……………………………………………  (not) be so thin before.

6- My sister  ……………………………………………  own a motorcycle, but now she prefers driving a car.

7- As the room was dimly lit, I  …………………………………………… (not) see the scar on his face.

8- We  ……………………………………………listen to the news on the radio, but now we watch it on TV.

9- My grandmother  …………………………………………… take me to the park when I was a child.

10 –My son …………………………………………… spend all his money on silly things, but now he is careful with it.


H -) Put the verbs in brackets into  simple present / present continuous / simple past  / past continuous

(11 points)


1- A : What is that noise ?  B : People next door …………………………… ( have ) a party

2- While he ………………..(fly) off the Miami Coast, the pilot …………….. (see) sharks approaching      the swimmers.

3– Your perfume …………………….. ( smell ) very nice . What is it ?

4- Mary often ……………….. (read) in bed, but today she is very tired and she …………………. (not / read).

5- The customer ………………………… (pay) his cheque when he ……………………(drop) his credit card.

6- He ………………………….. (usually / go) at 9:00 o’clock, but this morning he ……………………. (leave) home late.

7- Look ! My mother ………………………………. ( taste ) the soup that she cooked yesterday.


I-) Write the Turkish meanings of given words ( 20 points )

1- dominant  : ……………………………………

2- scruffy      : ……………………………………

3- gorgeous  : ……………………………………

4-bustling     : ……………………………………

5- cosy          : ……………………………………

6- strict         : ……………………………………

7- sensitive    : ……………………………………

8- scar           : ……………………………………

9- hazel eyes : ……………………………………

10 – clear       : ……………………………………

11- overcrowded : ………………………………

12- dome       : ……………………………………

13 – impolite : ……………………………………

14 – pretty     : ……………………………………

15 – pickle      : ……………………………………

16- traditional : ……………………………………

17 – historical : ……………………………………

18 – mosque   : ……………………………………

19- successful : ……………………………………

20 – mosquito : ……………………………………


Dokümanın Görselli Tam Halini İndirmek için TIKLAYINIZ

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