
Nanomedicine The usage of nanotechnology in medicine is endless. Science pe

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  cetin-gul  29.05.2016 / 23:45 
İngilizce ödev sorusu
Nanomedicine The usage of nanotechnology in medicine is endless. Science people are working on nanomolecules to
destroy only cancer cells. It makes possible to send the drugs to specific parts of the body. With the help of nanotechnology, microscopic robots will perform ultra-delicate surgeries, repair damaged tissues, or hunt down and destroy certain cells, like cancer cells or bacteria. Nanomedicine is currently in its infancy, but it may be the biggest breakthrough in modern medicine since the first vaccine.
paragrafa göre truefalse ?
1)Nanomedicine will help to destroy cancer.___
2)Scientist are still trying to develop nanomedicine.__
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