
4. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Ünite Nationality Kelimeler ve Anlamları

Konu Özetleri İle Öğrendiklerini Şimdi Pekiştirme Vakti.

İngilizce Türkçe Anlamı
Country Ülke
Turkey Türkiye
Turkish Türk
Britain İngiltere
British İngiliz
Germany Almanya
German Alman
France Fransa
French Fransız
Spain İspanya
Spanish İspanyol
Japan Japonya
Japenese Japon
Russia Rusya
Russian Rus
China Çin
Chinese Çinli
West Batı
South Güney
Africa Afrika
Age Yaş
Antarctica Antarktika
Asia Asya
Car Araba
Children Çocuklar
Color Renklendirmek, renk
Compass Pusula
Doll Oyuncak bebek
East Doğu
Europe Avrupa
From İtibaren, -den
Guess Tahmin etmek
I think Bence
ID card Kimlik kartı
Kite Uçurtma
Live Yaşamak
Match Eşlemek
Nationality Milliyet
North Kuzey
Point İşaret etmek
Soldier Asker
Toy collection Oyuncak Koleksiyonu
World Dünya

Put the words in order.
Choose the correct answer.

  • A ) May I board the clean, please?
  • B ) May I clean the board, please?
  • C ) Please, may I board the clean?
  • D ) The board may I clean, please?


Read the dialogue.
Joe : Give me the eraser, please.
Kate : Sorry, - - - -.

Choose the correct answer.

  • A ) here you are
  • B ) not right now
  • C ) of course
  • D ) sure


My father works at a clinic. He likes helping animals.
He is a - - - -.

  • A ) singer
  • B ) fireman
  • C ) waiter
  • D ) vet


Aşağıdaki sayı ve okunuş eşleştirmelerinden hangisi yanlıştır?

  • A ) 56 : fifty six
  • B ) 24 : twenty four
  • C ) 18 : eighty
  • D ) 44 : forty four


Read the dialogue.
Beren: Give me the sharpener, please.
Can: - - - -.
Beren: Thank you.
Choose the correct answer.

  • A ) Sure, here you are
  • B ) Say that again, please
  • C ) Raise your hand
  • D ) Stay in the line


Look at the picture. Choose the correct answer.

  • A ) Forty-two
  • B ) Thirty-two
  • C ) Twenty-two
  • D ) Twenty-one


Look at the numbers.
10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - ?
Choose the correct answer.

  • A ) thirty-five
  • B ) forty
  • C ) fifty
  • D ) forty-two


Dilara: - - - -?
Meltem: Salad.

  • A ) Are you thirsty
  • B ) Where is the lemonade
  • C ) Do you have salad for breakfast
  • D ) What is your favourite food

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