2013-2014 9.sınıf ingilizce 2.dönem 1.yazılı soruları

Dokümanın Görselli Tam Halini İndirmek için TIKLAYINIZ



Name/Surname:                                                 Class:                                Number:                           Point: 100 /

A. Read the passage and answer the questions.(5×2=10 points)


Edward was at school .He was sixteen, and he lived with his mother and father in London. Then he left school and worked in a factory for a year, and then in August he said to his parents “I’m going to have a nice holiday in the country now, and I’m going to go there alone.’

He did not have much money, but he found the name of a small, cheap hotel, and he went there by train and bus. His room in the hotel was very small, but it was clean, and Edward was happy; because he was alone.

The first evening, he went down to the dining-room of the hotel at dinner time and sat down at a small table. The young waitress brought him a plate, and Edward looked at it. Then he said to the girl, “Waitress, there is a beetle in my plate!”

“That’s your meal, it is a lobster. ” the girl answered.

*(Vocabulary: waitress: bayangarson / beetle: böcek / lobster:istakoz)


1. Wheredid Edward live in?    _________________________________________________

2. How was his hotel room? _____________________________________________________

3. Wheredid Edward workfor a year?  ___________________________________________________

4. Whatwas his meal at dinner? ___________________________________________________________

5. Did he havemuchmoney?  ______________________________________________________________


B. Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past formsof the verbs in brackets. (11×1=11points)


Last Saturday, my father 1____________ (take) my friends and me to the circus. We 2_________ (see)lots of things.

My father 3____________ (buy) us some popcorn and orange juice. We 4____________  (eat) the popcorn and 5____________ (drink) the orange juice.We 6____________ (laugh) at the funny clowns. There  7____________  (be) a lion-tamer.The lions 8____________  (do) tricks; they 9____________  (jump) through hoops. A girl  10_________ (ride) an elephant around the ring. We all 11__________________  (-want)to leave the circus and we had a great time.


C. Write the past and past participle forms and the meanings of the verbs. (5×2[0,5+1+0,5]=10points)


PRESENT                    MEANING                                         PAST                                      PAST PARTICIPLE

1. teach                     ______________          ______________              ___                        _______________

2. cook                      ______________          ______________              ___                        _______________

3. sleep                  ______________              ______________              ___                        _______________

4. break ______________             ______________              ___                        _______________

5. write                  ______________              ______________              ___                        _______________


D. Choosethecorrectanswer.(10×1=10points)


1. It is your / yours problem, not my / mine.

2. My / Minesistermovedto Ankara but I don’tknowher / hersaddress.

3. Arethoseyour / yoursclothes? Pleaseironthem / their.

4. My car is veryfast. Whataboutyour / yours?

5. My /Minemealsaremoredeliciousthanher / hers.

6. Where are my keys? I can’t findthey / them.


E. Complete the text with “too”or “enough”and withthe adjective in brackets. (7×1=7points)


It’s Julie’s birthday. She’s got lots of presents. She’s got a dress from her grandmother. It’s red, yellow and orange. She doesn’t like it. It’s 1______________ (bright).She’s got some trainers from her aunt. They’re great but she can’t wear them because they’re size 38 and she’s size 39. They aren’t 2_____________________ (big) for her feet.She’s got some trousers from her mum. They’re a nice colour but they’re 3__________________ (long) to wear. You can’t see her shoes! Her dad gave her a book about cats because she loves cats. However, it’s in English and she can’t read it. It’s not4_________________ (easy)to read. Her brother gave her an expensive tennis racket but she can’t play tennis now. It’s winter. It’s not 5___________________ (warm) to play tennis. Her friend gave her a T-shirt and it’s perfect! It isn’t6___________________ or 7_________________(big / small), it’s just right. She’s wearing it now.


F. Answer the questions according to yourself. (5×1=5points)


1. What did you do at the weekend? ________________________________________________________

2. Who played football last weekend? _____________________________________________________________

3. When did you get up last Saturday? ______________________________________________________________

4. Where and when were you born? _______________________________________________________________

5. Where and when was Atatürk born? _________________________________________________________________


G. Fill in theblankswith an appropriatewordbelowwiththewords “bunch / piece / bar / loaf / can / jar”.(6×1=6points)

1. three __________________ of bread                    4. one __________________of honey

2. a __________________ of chocolate                     5. a __________________ of flowers

3. five __________________ of coke                          6. a __________________of cake


H. Circle the correct answer. (5×1=5points)


1. John isn’t so ______________ as Mark.                                                 a) tall                      b) tallest                c) taller

2. Kabasakal is _____________________________ Temel Reis.          a) uglyer                than        b) uglier than       d) the uglyest

3. Istanbul is _________________ than Tokat.                                          a) big                      b) bigger               c) biggest

4. Which is ______________________ crowded city in USA?                              a) most                  b) the most           c) more

5. Mary is 21 years old.  Sam is also 21 years old. Tom is 15 years old.Mary is _____ old as Sam. But Tom isn’t _______ old as Mary and Sam. a) as / so                b) as / as                c) so / as


I. Choose the correct answers. (8×1=8points)


1. My mother is a careful / carefully driver. She is not a careless / carelessly driver.

2. My husband uses computer very good / well. He is a good / well computer user.

3. Umut a fluent / fluently English speaker.

4. Elif has got a hard / hardly work. She works hard / hardly.

5. You shouldn’t ride your bike fast / fastly. You should be slow / slowly.


J. Makesentenceswith “usedto” (-,+). (4×2=8points)


TEN YEARS AGO                                  NOW

Larrydidn’tlivein London         Helives in London.                        1. _________________________________________

Ali was a student.                         He is a teacher.                                          2. _________________________________________

He didn’thave a car.                    He has a car.                               3. _________________________________________

He had a fewfriends.                   He has a lot of friends.              4. _________________________________________


K. Fill in the blanks with much, many, a lot of, a few or a little.”(5×1=5points)


1. He is very popular at school. He has_____________________friends.

2. Ann is very busy these days. She has_____________________free time.

3. The museum is not very crowded. There aren’t_____________________people.

4. Most of the town is modern. There are_____________________old buildings.

5. How _________________ flour do youneedforyourcake?


L. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words in the list. (7×1=7points)


disappear(ed)     escape(d)      innocent     gunshot     victim      prison      witness      arrest(ed)

1. Thelittlechildwastheonly___________________ of themurder. He sawthemurderer.

2. He didn’tkillanybody. He is ___________________

3. Jack heard a ______________________ and immediately ran to the scene.

4. Thethiefstolethe car and he ___________________ in thecrowd.

5. Themurderers  ___________________andthepolicearesearchingeverywhereforthem.

6. Themurdererkilledthe___________________with a gun.

7. Thepolice ___________________thetworobbers in the bank and put themintothe _______________yesterday.


M. Matchthewordswiththeirmeanings.(8×1=8points)


1. ancient                                             a. unnatural, not natural

2. huge                                                 b. shaking of theground

3. alone                                                c. an increase in thetemperature of theworld

4. globalwarming                 d. extremelybig

5. earthquake                                      e. veryold,antique

6. nutrition                                          f. takingfoodintothe body andabsorbingthenutrients in thosefoods

7. artificial                                            g. not withanyotherpeople

8.investigate                                        h. searchfor


Öznur ŞİMŞEK_ English Teacher


Dokümanın Görselli Tam Halini İndirmek için TIKLAYINIZ

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